It has been a long period of time between our last 2019 Newsletter and General Meeting, and here we are approaching our first gatherings for 2020 …. and by the way, a happy and prosperous New Year to all.
There is much to celebrate and report…
Eualie Brewster OAM

Let us start by noting with acclamation a well earned celebration and honour for our Patron – Eulalie Perry Brewster – the Order of Australia. It is a significant award. It records for posterity that Eulalie has made a truly outstanding contribution in three areas – Historical, Environmental and with the Girl Guides, all recognized at the highest possible level – by Australians, and all achieved by her consistent, regular and devoted role as a very good ‘Aussie’ volunteer’. As Eulalie has said herself – “They’re important, they bring people together and help people understand their area better and learn how to help each other and make things better”.
Eulalie is a humble person, and has genuinely been shocked by receiving the award. In the Gippsland Sentinel Times she is quoted as saying – “You don’t do these jobs thinking you get a reward at the end of it or anything like that, you do it because you are just happy doing it”.
Well done Eulalie & congratulations from all our members!
Recent Exhibitions & Displays

During the recent holiday season, the Society mounted two displays – a small one held at the Angling Club in early January for their Market Day, whilst the second one was a three day affair in the Stadium at the Hub for the Australia Day weekend. Both received considerable attention by the public, especially from the many Inverloch visitors, who learned quite a deal about their holiday town and some of the identities and pioneers who have made a significant contribution in its development.

The Stadium exhibition gave the Society and the Amazon 1863 Project Inc. community group, the opportunity to work together. This was most encouraging, with our display cards and their actual historic items from the Amazon on display. Their Secretary Karyn Bugeja and Treasurer Jackie, enthusiastically fielded many questions from the public. Our cooperation is surely a hallmark for the future, as their aims and aspirations are identical to ours!
A special thanks to Harry Dunn & Lloyd Bennetts for their support at the Stadium.

Acquiring Permanent Storage
Over the many years our storage of historic materials such as photos, maps and documents, along with numerous three dimensional items, have been stored in members private houses, garages and sheds.
This is simply not ideal, nor is it easy to categorize what we actually own. This position has gone on for many years and was becoming increasingly unsatisfactory.
At the November meeting the full membership decided to hire a commercial storage in Bear St., in Inverloch. Suitable arrangements have been made by the Secretary. It is a large space, which includes power, lighting and security, and already two large steel shelves have been purchased from Bunnings and erected.
Some materials have been moved, but there is a long way to go, and will require a lot of work from members over the many months to make some impression. We’ll keep all members posted on this most important development.

The 2019 Annual Raffle
This raffle took place during the first two weeks of December, when, thanks to the many members who sat at the table in the shopping Arcade, over $1,500 was raised. I would also thank the members who donated the goods for the raffle. The Hamper was top quality and noticed by many people which encouraged them to buy our tickets. The raffle was drawn in the Arcade at Noon, with Kate of Inverloch being the lucky winner. Two other prizes were awarded – a set of six beautiful Australian bird prints, fully framed and donated by member Ray Burtt, and a large superbly sewn coloured material bag with many pockets from member Eileen Henderson. All prizes were hand delivered, and were duly appreciated.
Picture Sales
Our sales are progressing very well through the cooperation of local store ‘Southern Bazaar’ in A’Beckett St., where both A2 size prints and large canvas prints are available. A catalogue is available at the shop for selecting the right picture & also available at the Information Centre in the Hub. A more detailed listing of what the Society has is seen by examining the our website.
These exclusive prints brings individuality to any home, as local pictures and artwork are always visually attractive and an interesting talking point. Our prints come with an extra clarity quality supplied by the caring work of our valued member Ray Burtt.
Donation of a boat!
With Inverloch’s maritime history, it is appropriate that we now own a boat – a 13′ Clinker – a fully wooden boat built in the old tradition. Its age is at least 60+ years old. It is in what one might call a ‘raw state’. It is unpainted, although sighting of its original light blue colour is evident here and there. As to what kind of wood it is constructed, well that’s a mystery, but we are hoping that some expert can tell us more about it. The boat was donated by member Bob Speed, where it sat in his shed for many years. We are delighted with it, and thank Bob sincerely for his unusual donation.
Our Next General Meeting
Wednesday 26th. Our guest speakers will be Karyn & Jackie from the new community group wishing to preserve the Amazon – AMAZON 1863 PROJECT INC.
Guest Speakers
It is always a regular monthly problem to find a guest speaker for our meetings. Many members have contacts and interests that could possibly help us, and it is this context that I ask all members to help us. So you can put our potential guest speakers mind nice and easy, please note that they can speak before our meeting business – if that is suitable to them. Further, there is no need to stand when you speak. Our guest speaker may find it easier and far more comfortable to be seated. Finally, if they think their voice is not loud enough or too soft, then remember that we have a very good sound system with microphones that can let us hear them. Tell them we are good company, followed by splendid cups of tea and coffee!
Please contact me on 5674 6159 sometime after six o’clock in the evening.
John Hutchinson (President)