As the Society prepares for the September Exhibition during the whole month of September, one is instantly impressed by the past efforts of many individuals wishing to make Inverloch a better and more attractive place. Some efforts were by community groups, such the Clock Tower Committee that set their sights on establishing a Rotary clock in the middle of the town, and then moved onto the construction of the Ripple in the Esplanade. The group happily achieved both objectives, and the town is better for their sterling efforts.

But many local business’ also set their sights on making the visitors days in Inverloch, memorable and worthwhile. Sure, they were set on making a dollar and ensuring the future of their business. but in the end the success of their venture improved the standing of Inverloch in the eyes of their visitors, hoping they would come again.
Myrtle Nelson ran such a business in Inverloch, but she also had her sights set on local people and their desires, as well as focusing on the visitor to Inverloch. She advertised widely, and going by the ‘ad’ shown in this newsletter, she offered much. We may smile at what Myrtle offered in 1940’s – wow! – your furnished flat had modern conveniences including electric light! By the 1950’s Myrtle had a ‘Juke Box’ which played the latest pop records when sixpence (5 cents) was put into the machine. The Juke boxes were usually branded Wurlitzer’, who also made electronic theatre organs, much loved by today’s senior citizen’s who will well remember their visit to the city cinema in Melbourne (the Regent, the State, the Capitol theatres).
But some local Inverloch ‘boys’, short of money. tell us the tale of them finding a secret switch at the back of Myrtle’s Juke box, and upon pressing it bypassed any money required. They therefore heard “Rock Around the Clock” for free!
Now all the photos of the efforts by the Clocktower Committee and the ‘Ads’ by Myrtle Nelson, complete with all the stories surrounding them, are of importance and of considerable interest to the Society. How we did things in the past, solved our problems, and improved the look and feel of the town must be set down, principally in a written form.
The senior citizen’s of Inverloch and district, along with the former residents and holiday makers do add an exciting, fascinating and important dimension to the bigger story of Inverloch.
Inverloch is far more than beaches, eating, fashions, competitions, partying and the like. It is about people doing all the things they like to do, and of the numerous community groups who aim {to contribute to their community thereby making Inverloch a better and happier place.

At the moment the community is being asked by the Shire about the extension of the bicycle path onward towards the Surf Club. As a Society we hold no views or opinions on its merits or demerits. We simply recognise what is being proposed, and how it is happening. We record all aspects of the project. The same applied to the trees around the Recreation Reserve – we photographed them there, and then we photographed the Reserve without them. We therefore have a record for future posterity.
On Saturday May 4th, both our Patron – Eulalie Brewster and myself were involved with a project organised and run by the Bass Coast Heritage Group, under the auspices of the National Trust of Victoria. Along with Sam Gatto from the Wonthaggi Historical Society, we travelled the Bunurong coast road, with Sam giving spoken details to a bus of 50+ people, with special reference to the famous shacks along the coastline. I then continued the ‘chat’ about Inverloch. At the Angling Club, where sandwiches, fruit and great sconces with home made blackberry jam and cream were served, I spoke briefly about Pine Lodge, whilst Eulalie gave a detailed account of the development of Inverloch and district. Her efforts were very warmly received and appreciated, receiving a growing orchid as a thank you. I received a book about the Summerland Estate on Phillip Island, and how all buildings were removed, for the guaranteed future of the tiny penguins, so loved by so many.
Members should also note that two of our members have kindly donated to the Society, membership of the local community radio 3mFM. As your President, I shall be recording information and historical information – hopefully with some guests in
the future. | am informed by the station that the ‘chats’ will be broadcast on Saturday and repeated on a Sunday. I would appreciate your comments after the broadcasts.
It is very pleasing to report that our digitisation team has returned to Leggetts Lane, with their computers and all their equipment. Operations at the centre were temporarily restricted by a break in the farm water tank. | must warmly thank Terry Hall for his generosity in allowing the continued use of Leggetts Lane. The digitisation program is a valued and important arm of the Society organised by Graham Paterson and Susan Hacker. Our computer holds thousands of photos, maps and documents,
and is of great importance when selecting material for the forthcoming exhibition.
May I remind all members that we do not want to keep your photos etc… we simply need to make a copy on the computer. They are then returned.
The Inverloch Historical Society Inc. placed a wreath at the Cenotaph on Anzac Day. The commemoration was extremely — well supported and the proceedings enhanced by the contribution of local dignitaries, school students and scouts from Inverloch.
Our next General Meeting will be held at the RSL Hall on Wednesday 22nd. May commencing at 2pm. We are still in negotiation for a guest speaker.
John Hutchinson, President