Inverloch History Exhibition: 9am to 4pm Daily, 2-30 August 2018 @ The Hub Inverloch
Inverloch Historical Society’s next exhibition is almost upon us and will be a showcase for the Society for the whole month of August. To deliver a successful exhibition we will require good participation from members. Many jobs will be on offer, especially that of being an Exhibition Attendant, preferably working in pairs, to keep ‘an eye on things’ and handle queries.
Already, much time and effort has gone into planning and preparing the exhibits. To get to this point, and ensure readiness for our opening on 2 August, I must commend the dedication and work of two members of the Exhibition Team, Ray Burtt and Rod P. I feel certain that all Society members will be proud of what the team has achieved for this display and that exhibition visitors will be impressed by our work and fascinated by the town’s history.

As you would expect, the exhibition largely comprises pictorial material. There are 20 new large canvas prints of photographs drawn from our collection – and they are a real delight! All of the images will be labelled clearly, so that we can help to grow community understanding of the dedication of Inverloch’s pioneers and the work of the Society in preserving and displaying their stories.
Selection and retrieval of photographs for the 20 new canvases was carried out by two other members of the Exhibition Team, Graham Paterson and Susan Hacker, building on their long-term work of digitising our entire collection. Many photographs were examined and the final selection was not easy, although there were some clear standouts. You can make up your own mind when you see the displays! I want to emphasise that this exhibition comprises largely new material, highlighting many of the recent contributions from people in the broader Inverloch community.

Please spread the news about the Exhibition – tell your friends and anyone you meet. Word of mouth is still the best way of publicising any event.
Roster for Volunteer Exhibition Attendants
A sign-up sheet for the Exhibition Volunteer Attendant Roster will be available at July meeting.
Each day will comprise two “shifts” 10 AM to Noon and Noon to 2 PM. Ideally members will work in pairs as this worked very well last year.
The committee will be very grateful to members who sign-up for a couple of shifts as we have 28 days to cover.
Annual Fundraising Raffle
Tickets for our annual fundraising raffle will be available during the Exhibition. Two prizes are on offer – a hamper and a copy of the art deco poster advertising Inverloch during the 1930’s. The original poster will take pride of place at the Exhibition. It has now been reframed and conserved and looks magnificent.
Items contributed by members for inclusion in the hamper will be much appreciated. Please bring them along to the July general meeting.
Inverloch Historical Society Polo Shirts
The aqua coloured polo shirts featuring the Society’s badge embroidered onto them have arrived for members who ordered them. They will look great when worn at the Exhibition and will help visitors to identify our members.
The cost per shirt is $26; they will be available at the July general meeting. Members can also place orders at the July meeting.

July 2018 Guest Speaker
Our speaker for July will be Roger Clark, President of Bass Valley H.S. and editor & publisher of “The Waterline News” & “The Western Port Times”. Roger is also leader of U3A Bass Valley’s Local History Group. We are immensely grateful to Roger for taking time to speak with us; he clearly offers a very engaged view of the business of preserving local history, communicating through newspapers and working with Seniors at U3A.