Firstly, a big thank you to all members for your support during a busy and momentous 2017 which included completion of a major exhibition, a very successful fundraising raffle, and publication of a new book that sold well. Secondly, as mentioned in the local press and announced to Committee members, serious efforts have been made on behalf of the Society to identify land at Inverloch where we can build a ‘home’ for the Society. Along with Committee member Terry Hall, I have spoken to each of our local Councillors individually, including Mayor Pamela Rothfield. Recently, Terry and I also gave a presentation to the full Council in support of our request for tenure over a specified piece of land. We were well-received, and so far, everyone has responded positively. We are heartened, but must also give warning, for, from this point on, progress will be slow while the Council evaluates the feasibility of our submission. For a while then, ‘patience will be a virtue’ requiring us to be alert and responsive and conscious of the many ups and downs as Council’s procedures are carefully progressed, and legal considerations worked through. Finally, on behalf of the Committee of Management, I wish all members and supporters of the Society, a very happy peaceful and safe Christmas and a bright and prosperous new year in 2018.
John Hutchinson, President
January 2018 Exhibition
The Society will participate in an exhibition at Inverloch Hub on Australia Day weekend 2018 —26, 27 and 28 January, from 10 am to 4 pm daily. Our exhibition will highlight many aspects of Inverloch’s seaside history and form part of the Inverloch Classic Wooden Dinghy Regatta. The exhibition’s focus will be the Olive, an 11-ft dinghy (the original ‘Moth’ class). Olive was built and launched at Inverloch in 1928 and 2018 marks her 90th birthday. Olive, was named after the wife of the builder Len Morris. Many people find The Stadium hard to find. You get there by entering The Hub and continuing to the rear of the building and to the left of the office – directions will be sign-posted. Don’t miss the opportunity to visit what is expected to be a wonderful exhibition. The Wooden Boat people and the Society’s Committee look forward to seeing you there! There will be a small entry fee.
Restoration of the Ripple
The latest news from Bass Coast Shire Council is that, following a open tender process, the contract for restoration of the Ripple was awarded to local tradesman John Turner. Work will commence on 1 November 2017 and continue until the end of February 2018. During this time, the area around the Ripple (located in central Inverloch) will officially become a secure worksite, complete with fencing. This may present difficulties to the Society if we need access to the Rocket and work shed. Stay tuned members, by visiting the site!

Tullaree Visit
On 25 October, 32 members & friends enjoyed a memorable excursion to Tullaree Homestead at Tarwin Lower. The weather was fine, enabling us to gather in their beautiful garden and pool area to hear an account of the decline and recent restoration of the homestead to its former glory.
Current owner Tim McRae lived in the house from age five, with his seven siblings. At that time Tim’s parents undertook some necessary repairs to the then rundown property.

Early in 2000, Tim and his wife Janet purchased Tullaree and began a serious restoration transforming the interior of the family home with furnishings and treasures appropriate to the early 1900s (see Sitting Room at right). Tim has been involved every step of the journey, from inspection of the hand-made brick buttressed footings to the restoration of the handsome chimneys and veranda posts. It is a testament to the quality of the building’s original construction and materials that it was able to withstand several decades of neglect, flooding and animal invasions during its 110-year history.
We enjoyed lunch either on the veranda looking towards the Strzelecki Ranges (see pic below right) or in the garden, with Janet providing tea and coffee making facilities.
Janet is a dedicated gardener, and we took time to explore the lovely garden they have created at Tullaree, complete with towering, mature trees.
Next, our car convoy retraced Margaret Clements (former owner of Tullaree, and subject of the well-known Lady of the Swamp mystery) regular walk, to get supplies from the Buffalo General Store and Post Office, located near the now-closed railway station site. All were amazed to think of Margaret trekking 11-kilometres, in all weather conditions, through the swamp which began to reclaim the property after drainage channels were allowed to silt-up.
After visiting the tiny Buffalo store, we travelled to Koonwarra Store for a gathering over afternoon tea on our way back to Inverloch. The day was a good mix of fine weather, hospitable hosts, interesting local history and the company of friends.
Tullaree means ‘Small Hill”.
by Rosemary Hutchinson, Treasurer